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nina goldsmith art artist painter glasgow

My recent work revolves around the concept of place and how it can be sculpted and transformed by the experiences of the inhabitant. Whether it be Glasgow high-rises, ghost towns in Loch Fyne or Grecian holiday resorts, I strive to ensure they are represented with a boldness and vibrancy that their inhabitants know they evoke. I also take interest in portraiture and geometrical abstracts and am available for commissions.

I have set up a studio in Southside Studios, where I work on self-directed projects and commissions on a daily basis. I have recently became involved with a visual artist network called The Locale, which features a community of artists whose practice revolves around the subject of place and its universal influence. I have also been involved with a network known as the Visual Artist Unit, a collective of emerging artists across Scotland who aimed to showcase an array of fresh contemporary faces with new and innovative approaches to visual art.

For more information about each collective, please visit:

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Morrison Construction Purchase Prize Award

SPD Annual Painting Awards Prize

Hector Memorial Prize



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